Blue smoke on cold start? Anyone else seeing this?

So… I had a 2007 model that would puff a little blue smoke on cold starts when parked on an incline in colder weather (20-40 degrees). It had about 200k miles on it. I sold it and got a 2019 model with only 44,000 miles, and now it’s doing the same thing. I’ve got a video showing a small puff of blue smoke when it starts cold, but the other day in 30-degree weather, the puff was way thicker. Once it warms up outside, no more blue smoke on cold starts. Is this a valve issue? I bought a 36k-mile warranty with the truck and was wondering if this is something the warranty would cover.

This is pretty normal for Toyotas. The valve seals can sometimes leak a bit overnight, so you see some burn off on startup. Just keep an eye on your oil. If you’re not losing too much, I wouldn’t be too worried about it.

Got it, thanks. I kind of thought that was the case. I’m just curious if this is something I should get checked out, especially since I still have some warranty left. I got used to it with my 2007, but since this one is much newer, I’m a little nervous haha.