Is it just me, or does something feel off about this? Anyone else seeing something strange going on here?
Ah, the Dodge Dakoma
Kade said:
Ah, the Dodge Dakoma
Wait, is that a Doyota Dakoma or a Toyge Tacota?
Why do we have so many mattress stores around? I rarely see anyone in them.
Remington said:
Why do we have so many mattress stores around? I rarely see anyone in them.
Some of them could be money laundering businesses.
Remington said:
Why do we have so many mattress stores around? I rarely see anyone in them.
Some of them could be money laundering businesses.
That makes sense. I know a couple of mattress stores nearby that hardly get any customers. The prices don’t add up with the quality.
Remington said:
Why do we have so many mattress stores around? I rarely see anyone in them.
You’d be surprised. With all the markup in mattresses, you could make a profit with just one sale a day.
Remington said:
Why do we have so many mattress stores around? I rarely see anyone in them.
I found a video that explains it well. Mattress Firm buys out smaller companies, but to get the deal approved, they had to agree to keep a certain number of stores open for a while. That’s why you see a bunch of Mattress Firms in the same area. They moved in and bought out the competitors. It also blocks new competitors from entering the market, as it makes the area look saturated to the banks that would finance new businesses.
LOL, what makes people do this stuff?
Is this where all the stolen tailgates end up?
If you buy any truck during Toyotathon, they come like this naturally.
At least they’re aligned properly.
Haha! TOTOYA!!
I think that particular year, the Toyota Tacomas were made by Dodge, but don’t quote me on that.
Kid: ‘Mom, can we get a Tacoma?’
Mom: ‘We have a Tacoma at home.’
OEM if I’ve ever seen it.
Things get a lot more suspicious the closer you get to Springfield. Eugene is pretty chill though.
Don’t be suspicious.
No sag in the rear, so definitely not a Tacoma.