I have a 2023 Tacoma with about 4K on the odometer. Got it with about 3K and I have a short commute to work, so it won’t get driven more than about 10K a year. I want to know what I can do to avoid any engine wear over the long run (I plan on keeping this truck for as long as it will run). Will idling 10-15 minutes a day help? Or would long trips over the weekend be better? Any advice would be helpful!
Honestly, I wouldn’t worry too much about this. I know the ‘short trips are bad’ idea is often brought up, but I think people worry too much about it. They used to say starting and stopping the car a lot was bad too, but now cars do that all the time at every stoplight.
I drive about 3-4K miles a year myself, and some years I only put 1K miles on it.
Short trips can cause some issues, yeah. If I’m taking short trips a lot, I’ll take the long way around sometimes to let the oil get up to temperature. I wouldn’t recommend idling, but I’m sure it’s not a huge problem. Driving is better than idling anyway.
Just be sure to change the oil every 6 months or 5K miles and you should be fine.
As long as your vehicle reaches operating temperature, it’s not considered a short trip. Idling while the engine is cold can actually cause more wear since the ECU delivers more fuel, which can wash the oil off the cylinder walls. Once the engine’s warmed up, idling shouldn’t cause any noticeable extra wear.
Remi said: @Bliss
Oh, that’s interesting. I always thought it was best to idle at least 5 minutes, especially in cold weather. So, the less I idle, the better?
Yes, but don’t go flooring it before it’s warmed up. The oil is still cold. Older carburetors needed more time to warm up, but modern fuel injection systems handle it much better. Start the car, buckle up, check the mirrors, find a good song, and head out. Be gentle with your cold vehicle and it’ll last longer. Once the engine hits about 184°F, feel free to drive normally.
Just curious, what would you recommend for someone who gets on the highway within 5 minutes of starting their drive each day? Should I accelerate gently or let it warm up longer in the morning?
Briar said: @Bliss
Just curious, what would you recommend for someone who gets on the highway within 5 minutes of starting their drive each day? Should I accelerate gently or let it warm up longer in the morning?
Just take it easy on the highway, shift under 3K RPM until it’s warmed up. That should work fine.
Thanks for the advice. That’s pretty much what I do, trying to let it warm up as gradually as possible. Luckily, it does heat up pretty quickly, so the gauge is usually above normal soon enough.
I wouldn’t idle extra time, that usually doesn’t help. As long as you’re getting the engine up to temperature, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes, you should be fine. A battery tender might help though.
Just keep your oil changed and drive the truck. I usually let mine warm up for a minute or two, then drive it easy until it reaches normal operating temperature. After that, I drive it hard. I have a 2017 TRD OR with 103K miles on it.
I’ve averaged about 4K miles a year on my 2016, mostly short trips. It’s been fine. You might wear down your battery faster, but I still got about 8 years on the one it came with.
Idling doesn’t really help anything. I do it just to warm up for comfort. If you have a 4x4, make sure to use it sometimes to keep everything running smoothly.