What does SR5 really mean for a Toyota Tacoma?

What does SR5 mean for a Toyota Tacoma? Can anyone explain what it means for a Tacoma TRD OR? :man_standing:t2: I’m new to Tacomas, and I have an '08 access cab. I thought the TRD OR and SR5 were different. My truck says TRD OR on the front, but it also says SR5 on the back. I’m just trying to understand what it really is

SR5 means it’s not the best option. Just not as basic as an SR

Sport is like a mall crawler and people embrace that

OR is also a mall crawler but pretends to go off-roading, that’s my category

PRO is just a mall crawler who wants to spend even more money on stuff they won’t actually use, but they probably still upgrade with aftermarket parts

Hey, my PRO badge means I’m better than everyone else and they should know it

:rofl: It does, I feel like this is it

Real talk, Gabbana. It is what it is :joy:

I take my Sport off-roading all the time. It’s funny seeing Tacoma owners think the trim packages actually matter

I have a PRO, and I’ve had to use my skid plate on the high clearance curbs at the mall

For me, OR means it’s my winter daily driver so I don’t have to clear the driveway and can get through the three-foot plow drift at the end